THE RETIRED EMPLOYEES OF CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, INC. INCORPORATED 8/19/63 (ADOPTED 6/3/59, AS AMENDED 1997, 1998, 1999, 2006) (REVISED April 8, 2009) (PUBLISHED JUNE BULLETIN 2009) CONSTITUTIONArticle I. NameSection 1. The name of this organization shall be: THE RETIRED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, INC., hereinafter referred to as RECCSF. Article II. ObjectivesSection 1. The objectives of this organization are to: A. promote the social, recreational, cultural, philanthropic and economic welfare of all retired City and County of San Francisco employees, their spouses or partners and surviving spouses or partners. B. cooperate with city and county officials and the general public for the advancement and improvement of the public service. C. secure a uniform administration of the privileges and benefits of the Retirement and Health Service Systems as embodied in the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. D. engage in such activities of a general nature that are beneficial to all members of this organization. Article III. MembershipSection 1. The terms "member" and "membership" are inclusive of all members. There are two (2) types of membership dues: annual and life. Section 2. Any person who is retired or vested in the Health Service System as an employee of the City and County of San Francisco, the San Francisco Unified School District, or the San Francisco Community College District, either for service or disability, or the spouse/partner or surviving spouse/partner of such retired employee, is eligible for membership. The qualifying person becomes a member upon presentation and acceptance of dues. Article IV. OfficersSection 1. The officers of this organization are: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant-at-Arms. The officers are to be elected at the May membership meeting. They will assume office at the June membership meeting, and their term of office will be two (2) years, or until their successors have been duly installed. The officers will be elected by secret ballot except by unanimous consent of the members present. Section 2. Duties of Officers A. The President: 1. presides at all membership and Executive Board meetings of the organization. 2. appoints and may remove chairs of standing and ad hoc committees as deemed advisable or as requested by the Executive Board. 3. may call special meetings of the membership or the Executive Board. 4. reviews and signs official documents, communication and financial instruments. 5. is an ex-officio member of all committees. 6. may fill any vacant elective position subject to approval by the Executive Board. 7. appoints and may remove the editor of the newsletter subject to approval of the Executive Board. 8. supervises and directs the RECCSF office staff. 9. appoints five (5) non-elected members to the Executive Board subject to Executive Board approval. 10. may appoint a parliamentarian. B. The First Vice-President performs the duties of the President during the absence of the President and other duties assigned by the President. If the office of President becomes vacant, the First Vice-President assumes that office for the balance of the term. C. The Second Vice-President performs the duties of the First Vice-President or President in their absence and other duties assigned by the President. D. The Secretary: 1. maintains a permanent record of all Executive Board and membership meetings and attends to all official communications sent by the organization. Official communications shall mean any notes, letters or other correspondence, including emails, sent pursuant to actions taken by the Executive Board. 2. maintains the official copy of the Constitution and Bylaws of the organization and makes copies available upon request. 3. provides a copy of the minutes of any meeting to any interested member. 4. maintains permanent records of the organization at the office of the organization. 5. prepares and provides meeting agendas in advance of meetings. E. The Treasurer: 1. ensures the deposit, collection and disbursement of all funds. 2. keeps an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. 3. signs all financial instruments, when available. 4. prepares written reports of all current receipts and disbursements for review at each meeting of the Executive Board. 5. prepares and submits a proposed annual budget to the Executive Board for approval by the membership no later than the start of the fiscal year. 6. prepares financial position statements as required by the Executive Board. 7. serves as chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. E. The Sergeant-at-Arms maintains order at meetings of the organization and may appoint assistants as necessary. Article V. MeetingsSection 1. Membership and Executive Board meetings will be held as provided in the Bylaws. In matters of parliamentary authority not covered by this Constitution, Roberts Rules of Order applies. Article VI. Organizational PolicySection 1. The organization will not consider any question involving religion. Section 2. It will neither directly nor indirectly participate in, nor intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. The term "candidate for public office" means an individual who offers himself/herself, or is proposed by others, as a candidate for an elective public office, whether such office is national, state or local. Section 3. The organization may propose, support or oppose legislation that affects health and retirement benefits of City and County or Districts retirees and active employees. It may endorse candidates for elected commissioners to the City and County of San Francisco's Health Service, Retirement Board, and the Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board. Article VII. AmendmentsSection 1. Any member in good standing may propose an amendment to the Constitution by presenting it in writing through the Secretary to the Executive Board prior to its meeting. The proposed amendment must have the signatures of twenty (20) members in good standing or ten (10) members of the Executive Board. A sponsor of the amendment must attend the Executive Board meeting to present the proposed amendment. A. The text of the proposed amendment and the Executive Board recommendation must be published in full in the newsletter or in writing prior to the business section of the membership meeting. B. At the next regular meeting of the membership, the proposed amendment will be introduced for a first reading together with the Executive Board's recommendation to the membership. C. A vote will be taken at the following membership meeting. The proposed amendment may be debated, modified, accepted or rejected. A 2/3 vote is required for final passage.
BYLAWSArticle I. MembershipSection 1. All members who, after notification of non-payment of dues, are three (3) months in arrears, will be dropped from membership rolls and will forfeit their newsletter subscription and other benefits of membership. Section 2. Lapsed members have the right to appeal their delinquency status in writing, based on good cause, to the Executive Board. The Executive Board's decision on each appeal is final. Lapsed members must be reinstated to their original membership date upon payment of all dues in arrears. Section 3. Dues are payable in advance. Membership dues are recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the membership. Dues include a subscription to the newsletter. Article II. The Executive BoardSection 1. The Executive Board includes the following voting members: A. officers: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant-at-Arms. B. ten (10) members at large elected by the membership to two-year terms. These members will usually chair the standing committees of the organization. C. five (5) members appointed by the President subject to approval of the Executive Board. These appointees will serve the same term as the President. D. past presidents, who were elected president before June 2009, will continue to be voting members of the Executive Board. A president elected after June 2009 will not be a voting member of the Executive Board after his/her term has ended. Section 2. The Executive Board includes the following non-voting members: past presidents elected after June 2009, and editor of the newsletter. Section 3. The Executive Board is responsible for conducting the routine business of the organization and makes recommendations to the membership on all policy and financial matters. It has the power to act for the organization in emergencies. Section 4. The Executive Board will meet regularly at a time specified by its members. Section 5. Executive Board members may be excused for good cause from attending regularly scheduled meetings if they provide advance notice or notice within five (5) working days after a meeting, to the President or Secretary. Any member with three (3) unexcused absences per term of office will be contacted by the Secretary and asked to provide a written explanation within thirty (30) days. If the member does not respond, the Executive Board, at its next regularly scheduled meeting, will decide, by a two-thirds vote, whether the member will be dropped from the Board. Section 6. Any RECCSF member may attend an Executive Board meeting. A non-member of the organization may attend an Executive Board meeting only with prior approval of the chair. Section 7. The President shall serve as the chair of the Executive Board. In accordance with Article IV, Section 2B of the Constitution, the First Vice-President will act as chair if the President is absent. Section 8. Ten (10) members of the Executive Board will constitute a quorum. Section 9. The order of business at Executive Board meetings is: A. Call to order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of previous meeting's minutes C. Correspondence D. Treasurer's report E. Other Reports F. Unfinished business G. New business H. Announcements I. Adjournment Article III. Membership MeetingsSection 1. This organization will meet at a time and place convenient to the members as selected by the Executive Board and as previously publicized to the members. Section 2. Special membership meetings to deal with specific matters may be called by the President or upon the written request of fifty (50) members. At a special membership meeting, only those matters set forth in the call shall be considered, except by unanimous consent of members present. Section 3. A quorum for the transaction of business at any regular membership or special membership meeting is fifty (50) members. Section 4. The order of business at regular membership meetings is: A. Call to order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of previous meeting's minutes C. Correspondence D. President's Report E. Other committee reports F. Unfinished Business G. New Business H. Election of officers, if required I. Installation of officers, if required J. Good & welfare K. Adjournment Article IV. Nominations and ElectionsSection 1. Nominations and elections of officers of the organization and members of the Executive Board are as follows: A. At the February Executive Board meeting, the President appoints a nominating committee of three (3) members. B. At the March membership meeting, the President announces the names of the nominating committee members. C. At the April membership meeting, the nominating committee will announce its nominees for each office open that year. Any member may make further nominations from the meeting floor; but no further nominations will be accepted after nominations are closed at this meeting. To be eligible to run for President, a member must have served on the Executive Board. D. Following the close of nominations, the President will appoint a committee to conduct the election. The names of all nominees shall be printed in the May newsletter. E. At the May membership meeting, elections will be held. If more than one person is a candidate for any office, the Executive Board may decide to conduct a mail ballot election, as long as balloting is completed by May 31. Names of all elected Executive Board members will be printed in the next newsletter. F. The following members of the Executive Board will be elected to two-year terms. The President, First Vice-Present and Second Vice-President and five (5) members of the Executive Board at large will be elected in even-numbered years. The Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and five (5) other members at large will be elected in odd-numbered years. G. Those appointed by the President will have the same term as the President. H. All officers and elected Executive Board members will be installed at the June membership meeting. Section 2. Elections will take place in the manner set forth in the Bylaws Article IV, Section 1. Only members as defined in Bylaws Article I, Sections 1 and 4, will be permitted to vote or hold office. Section 3. In case of a vacancy occurring in an elective office, the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, will appoint a member to fill the vacancy for the balance of the term of office or until an election is held at a regular membership meeting. Article V. Standing CommitteesSection 1. The President will appoint and may remove the chairs of the following committees from members of the Executive Board. Committee members need not be members of the Executive Board, but their dues must be current. Committee members will take office when appointed. It will be the duty of each standing committee or ad hoc chair to keep the President and the Executive Board informed of the work of the committee. Section 2. The committees are: Audit, Budget and Finance, Editorial, Health Service, Hospitality, Legislation, Membership, Personnel, Program, and Retirement. Committee chairs will select members for their committees. A. Audit Committee audits the books and accounts of the Treasurer at the end of the fiscal year and makes additional reports as directed by the President. B. Budget and Finance Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, prepares, reviews, revises and monitors the annual budget subject to Executive Board review. C. Editorial Committee verifies that the content of the newsletter complies with the editorial policy described In Bylaws Article VII, Section 1, and may review material submitted to the newsletter. The Editorial Committee includes, at minimum, the President and First Vice-President. Any impasse of the Editorial Committee will be referred to the Editor for resolution. D. Health Service Committee reports to the membership and the Executive Board matters that affect retirees' health benefits. A member of the committee should attend the Health Service Board meetings and represent the organization. The committee should study all proposed changes in health benefits for retirees and report to the Executive Board and the membership via the newsletter. The committee will organize the annual RECCSF Health Fair. E. Hospitality Committee provides a welcome and prepares the room and refreshments according to guidelines for the membership meetings. F. Legislation Committee studies national, state and local legislation and proposals affecting retired employees, both public and private, and makes recommendations to the Executive Board. G. Membership Committee coordinates efforts to attract and retain members and meets with other retiree organizations that may have issues in common. H. Personnel Committee, composed of the President, First Vice-President, and Treasurer, develops policies and procedures for management of the RECCSF office. I. Program Committee secures speakers and entertainment for the regular and special membership meetings. The programs may be social or educational. J. Retirement Committee reports to the membership and the Executive Board concerning those matters that affect retirees' retirement benefits. A member of the committee should attend the Retirement Board meetings and represent the organization. The committee should study all proposed changes in retirement benefits for retirees and report to the Executive Board and to the membership via the newsletter. Article VI. Special CommitteesSection 1. The President may establish ad hoc committees and appoint the chairs. Committee chairs will select members for their committees. Article VII. NewsletterSection 1. The newsletter is the official publication of the RECCSF and is published to express the policies, ideals and accomplishments of the organization. Nothing will be published in the newsletter that contains racist, sexist, ageist or derogatory statements concerning religious beliefs and other personal issues, or that is in violation of Article VI of the Constitution. Editorial contributions from individuals, organizations and groups other than RECCSF and its members may be included in the newsletter only with the approval of the editor. Section 2. The organization's members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor for publication. Section 3. The editor has the ultimate responsibility for the newsletter. Section 4. The editor: A. determines the need for contractual services in connection with the production of the newsletter, such as securing and selecting copy, designing, copy editing, printing, and mailing in conjunction with prescribed timelines and newsletter deadlines. B. submits recommendations for contractors, including estimated costs of services (comparative costs, if available), to the Editorial Committee for review and approval before contractors start work, subject to Bylaws Article VIII, Sections 2 and 3. The editor has authority over contractors and may terminate them for unsatisfactory performance. C. is guided by recommendations of the Editorial Committee. Section 5. Subscriptions: The organization may solicit and sell subscriptions to the newsletter to persons not eligible to be members of the RECCSF. The annual subscription cost is determined by the Executive Board. A limited number of subscriptions of the newsletters may be distributed at no cost to those who provide valuable services to RECCSF as determined by the Personnel Committee. Article VIII. Financial ProvisionsSection 1. The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Budget and Finance Committee, will prepare an annual budget for the organization that is to be approved by the Executive Board by the membership no later than the start of the fiscal year. Section 2. All non-recurring expenditures that are in accord with the annual budget will be reviewed, revised and monitored by the Budget and Finance Committee. Section 3. Any non-budgeted expenditures in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) require prior approval by the Executive Board. Section 4. Any gifts, donations, or contributions in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) may be accepted only after approval by the Executive Board. The Executive Board will not accept any gift, donation or contribution that will adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the organization. Section 5. All checks of the organization drawn in payment of authorized expenditures must be signed by two (2) of the following officers: Treasurer, President, and First Vice-President. The President and the Treasurer should sign if available. Section 6. The Treasurer will submit a written financial report at each meeting of the Executive Board and the membership. Section 7. The Treasurer determines which financial institutions RECCSF will use, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Section 8. The fiscal year is from August 1 through July 31 of each year. Section 9. Any member who has financial responsibilities or any person authorized to handle money may be bonded at the expense of the organization. Article IX. AmendmentsSection 1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed and acted upon following the procedures specified in Article VII of the Constitution. Article X. Suspension of BylawsSection 1. In case of emergency, these bylaws may be suspended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at any membership or Executive Board meeting. Such suspension will be for that meeting only. Article XI. DissolutionSection 1. This organization may continue as long as fifty (50) members are willing. If and when this organization is dissolved, the Executive Board will dispose of all funds in the treasury as follows: A. pay all bills including costs of dissolution. B. donate the remainder to one or more charities. C. comply with State of California legal requirements for dissolution of nonprofit organizations. Article XII. LogoSection 1. RECCSF may have a logo approved by the Executive Board which the organization may use for identification on stationery, publications and membership materials. |