Membership and Subscriptions

Membership Categories



Any person, retired from employment by the City and County of San Francisco, the San Francisco Unified School District, or the San Francisco Community College District, either for service or disability, or the spouse or surviving spouse of such retired employee, shall be eligible for dues paying membership.
Privileges: Right to vote, run for elective office, and to receive the Monthly Bulletin.


Any employee of the City and County or Districts, who is within five (5) years of eligibility for retirement, may apply for a non-voting, associate membership.
Privileges: Receive Monthly Bulletin


Any member who has reached the age of eighty-five (85), shall qualify as an emeritus member.
Privileges: Right to vote, run for elective office, and to receive the Monthly Bulletin


The Executive Board may grant honorary membership to persons who are not retirees of the City, School or College Districts as it may nominate, from time to time, subject to confirmation by the membership.
Privileges: Right to receive Monthly Bulletin




$68 per year
With a $25 introductory fee for the first year


$600 - may be paid over four (4) months at $150 /month or four years at $150 per year

Subscription to Monthly Bulletin

$36 per year - available only to those not eligible for membership

Application Form

Download, Fill out, and Print the Application Form and mail to RECCSF, Attn: Membership, 3915 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122 . Click here for form in .rtf format.

Click the Paypal button to go to Papal. Log into your account and send the amount of your membership fee to the email address

Also send an email to with your
Name:    Former Department:   
Street address:    City:   
State:    Zip Code:   
Phone Number: Date of retirement:
Email:    Date of Birth:    Spouse Name: